Bluestone, hardstone, arduin or Petit Granite is a more or less pronounced blue-grey limestone.
This type of stone is characterised by the presence of a large number of remains of crinoids (sea lilies), animals with calcium skeletons that usually live on the seabed. When they died, their calcareous skeletons remained on the bottom. Together with deposits of calcite they forged together, layers of hard stone were formed over millions of years. The stone is thus a combination of crinoids in a microcrystalline calcite.
The colour is determined by the amount of very finely dispersed plate debris (carbon).

Natural product
Authentic stone
Contains fossils and calcareous veins
Craftable (fringing)
Relatively stain- and scratch resistant
Sensitive to heat
If possible, try to spill greasy substances to avoid hard-to-remove stains.
Use mild detergents such as green soap for daily cleaning.